Re: SunOS newsyslog bug

System Administrator (
Mon, 29 Aug 1994 12:26:06 -0400 (EDT)

> I was surprise to see that in SunOS (4.1.3 and U1) the command
> /usr/lib/newsyslog do a 'chmod 666' on the $LOG (= syslog) file he just 
> created.

A bigger problem I have noticed is that the file is setup (by default)
to run at 4:05 am Sat morning by root - but it is owned by bin.  With
that 'problem' and a combination of either a netgroups bug or the +
in hosts.equiv (default on 413) this makes for a big problem with
the default SunOS configuration.  Not that we don't know that SunOS is 
shipped pretty lamely configured.
